Twixt Here'nThere

A spasmodic, serendipitous, journal to show what's happening or not in England, Spain, Portugal and wherever else perchance to roam. Travel, languages, sailing, religion, sex and politics, living abroad, the Pacific Ocean including Easter Island. News from: 'Navasola', in the hills of Aracena at Fuenteheridos; Cabanas de Tavira in Portugal; the cool cool banks of the muddy Humber; and from Pedro (Coelho), Max (Happydays), Tigger, Georgina (my Georgi girl) and Theo and friends in the Great Wen.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Just a quick update having stayed here another week before leaving for Spain (at 4am?!) on Sunday morning.
Here's (I hope) a view of the advert for the November issue of the Wildfowl and Wetland Trust magazine:

Well, no. I can't upload a pdf directly and my new computer doesn't have the stuff on to convert it so I'll have to play around for a bit.
Here goes again: Click on image to see it full size-ish.

Meanwhile, all the key pages on the (now) 'Navasola' and Cabanas website have been updated.