Twixt Here'nThere

A spasmodic, serendipitous, journal to show what's happening or not in England, Spain, Portugal and wherever else perchance to roam. Travel, languages, sailing, religion, sex and politics, living abroad, the Pacific Ocean including Easter Island. News from: 'Navasola', in the hills of Aracena at Fuenteheridos; Cabanas de Tavira in Portugal; the cool cool banks of the muddy Humber; and from Pedro (Coelho), Max (Happydays), Tigger, Georgina (my Georgi girl) and Theo and friends in the Great Wen.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Barton on Humber
Spent the day at Winteringham where the weather has been hot and sunny. Carried out repairs to Sara Ann and cleaned and tidied up Uldra. However, spent most of the time talking to Bill, Jake, Andy and Vijay, not having seen Andy for a month or two.

Saw Phil who is recovering somewhat gingerly from her operation. Had a chat with Keith about his trip to Holland and concerns about the handicapping system. Also spoke to Ted who had some good pictures of the trip including one with Peter talking to Norman in Volendam. Asked him to email me one if he can remember my email address. His is his sail number but can't remember the number (U5114?).

Arranged with Russell to visit Wednesday night rather than Thursday as need to be back in London by Thursday night. He is still in Scotland at present at Adrian and Heather's wedding. Must remember to ring Siobhan and IƱigo tomorrow morning.


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